Email Verification
- All customer’s email addresses will be authenticated.
- The uniqueness factor of each email address is checked and then authenticated.
- Merchants can send newsletters, Mails, and Alerts to authenticated email addresses.
- Prevents Email Bounces
- Saves a lot of time in verifying the addresses manually
- Improves customer engagement
- Improves Campaign ROI. (Return of Investment)
- A genuine email address will be in your database
Admin Mail Notification With New Customer
- Admin will receive notification on their email address whenever customer/user account create on your website.
- Admin know immediately when a new customer is registered in your store.
- Admin can add multiple email addresses if they want to receive notification more email addresses.
- Admin will receive an email alert just at the same time that the new customer is registered .
- Admin will receive an email notification when any customer login on your store.
- Admin will receive an email notification when any customer login failed on your store.
- Admin will receive an email notification when any customer place new order on your store.
- In the email received you will have this information:
- – Customer Name
- – Customer Email
Customer Validate By Admin
- Only valid customers on your account.
- Merchant can turn their website into B2B
- Can be Private Shop
- Hide Product Price from the Guest/Visitors
- Only registered and validated customers can purchase the items from your website.
- Admin can add multiple email addresses, so that each mail will get same notification when customer create account in your website.
- Admin can approve or delete the customer from same page.
- If Admin approve/delete the request, then customer will be notified by mail for the same.
Informations complémentaires
69,99 €